Guayusa Vs Coffee – Which Is Better? Ayusa Tea

Guayusa Vs Coffee
Which Is Better?
When we think of a warm cuppa, our minds typically wander toward coffee and black tea.
We would suggest replacing your morning coffee with Guayusa (pronounced why-you-sa), – the smooth, caffeinated super leaf from the Ecuadorian Amazon. Let’s look at Guayusa vs coffee.
What Is Guayusa?
Guayusa is a popular ancient herb in Ecuador. It comes from a variety of Holly Tree (Ilex Guayusa) that’s found where the Ecuadorian Amazon meets the Andes. It’s an integral part of the Kichwa tribe’s culture. For these ancient people, it’s a source of income, connection, nourishment and energy.
Estimates say Guayusa has around 41mg of caffeine per cup. This varies a lot depending on how strong you like your Guayusa tea. It’s also about how the caffeine works on your body – the caffeine in Guayusa is slow-releasing, over 4 – 6 hours.
What Is Coffee?
Coffee comes from the berries harvested from a species of Coffea plant. In the western world, we can’t get enough of the stuff, so much so that people become addicted.
Depending on the way it’s prepared, a single cup of coffee has between 49 and 280 mg of caffeine, with the most common preparation methods having well over 100 mg. And unlike Guayusa, caffeine has a faster and sharper effect (this is why so many coffee drinkers refer to the crash that comes afterwards).
So, Guayusa has slow-release energy, and caffeine is a bit sharper. But how else are they different?
Benefits Of Coffee
Coffee can get a bad rap. But studies show that drinking the right amount of coffee can have mild health benefits. First of all, it can temporarily improve your brain function, including memory, mood and focus. Studies show that it can also lower your risk of diabetes, prevent Alzheimers and help you burn fat by boosting your metabolism.
So should we turn away from coffee? Perhaps not. But let’s take a glimpse of the side-effects. All of this depends, though, on how much coffee you are drinking every day.
Side Effects Of Coffee
When you drink a lot of coffee, it can lead to some unwanted side effects. And if you’re an avid coffee drinker, you’ve probably experienced the “jitters” or “crash” that creeps up on you a few hours after your coffee buzz. Other side effects are headaches, nervousness, anxiety, upset stomach and insomnia. And experiencing some of these symptoms might be why you’re reading this article in the first place.
So, how does it weigh up against Guayusa?
Benefits Of Guayusa
Guayusa is most renowned for its slow-release caffeine hit. It’s said to be a gentler burst of caffeine, lasting for hours instead of the unwanted spike and crash. But beyond its caffeine content, Guayusa contains L-Theanine, a compound that can increase focus and concentration (this is also found in green tea).
But more than that, Guayusa contains more antioxidants than a cup of green tea! This helps to promote immunity and overall well being. Kichwa people drink Guayusa to calm body aches, boost libido and avoid insect bites (although modern studies are lacking in these areas). Tribal people also purport that it increases the chance of pregnancy.
Side-Effects Of Guayusa
To date, there have been very few reported side-effects of Guayusa. But as with any caffeinated drink, having too much may cause restlessness, insomnia and anxiety – so drink Guayusa in moderation. In saying that, Guayusa is more gentle in its effects than a cup of coffee.
Guayusa Vs Coffee: The Winner Is…
Both coffee and Guayusa are beneficial in their own way. And consumed responsibly, they can act as a powerhouse, offering some amazing health benefits. It’s clear that Guayusa has a gentler, longer-lasting energy boost than coffee – which helps to prevent the jitters and afternoon slump. On the other hand, coffee may present a more noticeable and immediate spike in energy.
So, which one wins?
We’ll leave that up to you.
Try our Pure Guayusa Tea blend to decide for yourself.